Victory Christian Table Tennis Club

1-20-16 - this info below was on the home page but removed since Victory does little anymore for table tennis - kelly boyce

(3) Victory Christian Church
7700 South Lewis
Tulsa, Ok.  74036
Meets Saturday nights only - 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM
(Note - not affiliated with the Tulsa Table Tennis club)
Across the street (west) of Oral Roberts University.
The entrance to the gym is on the northwest side of this mega-church
Alex Tupas:  918-289-1962
International Pastor: David Rutinduka 918-491-7830. E-mail:
Noel:            918-906-1848     nlf_ranch
Main church phone: 918-491-7700

Saturday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:45 pm     

The gym will open 4-11-15


Victory Christian Church
7700 South Lewis
Tulsa, Ok.  74036

Located across the street (west) of Oral Roberts University.
The entrance to the gym is on the northwest side of this mega-church

No membership required

Paddles and Balls are provided

Bringing your own Paddles are encourage and welcome.

Victory Christian Center

Victory INTL Connect Ministry


Alex Tupas:  918-289-1962

International Pastor: David Rutinduka 918-491-7830. E-mail:

Noel:            918-906-1848     nlf_ranch

Main church phone: 918-491-7700

Currently the gym has ?  Stiga Prestige? tables.
Barriers are rolls of 4' and 2' tall cardboard (bought at Preferred Tape at 13th and Sheridan).

Every Saturday is open play.
7:00 PM to 9:45 PM
Order of play is "challenge the table" (you place your paddle on the floor of the table you want to play on).
The winner stays up and the challenger plays next.
(This is the same order of play the Tulsa table tennis club uses).

The gym is owned and operated by the church and is not affiliated with the Tulsa Table Tennis club.
However, Alex Tupas (with the Tulsa Table Tennis club) is the main contact person.

The gym is very large and on Saturday nights ("International Night" - mostly for the benefit of the international students) there are 4 sports going on at the same time - table tennis, basketball, soccer and badminton.

Important notice - about 3-4 times a year, the gym on Saturday night will not be available.

Victory Christian Center Attendance: Worship attendance averages 15,000 to 16,000 a weekend in various services, including Spanish, Burmese and Iranian services.





Added - 2-11-11 - You Tube videos uploaded by Alex Tupas

(1) Victory Christian center - Regular Saturday night play - Alex Tupas vs. Kelly Boyce -

(2) Victory Christian center - Regular Saturday night play -



(this web page was created on 1-16-11 and last update 4-9-15)